Monday, September 20, 2010

8. The Horrible Deed

He gazed down at the water, so cold and deadly still,
He knew he was a coward, but his mind was very ill.
He swallowed down the swelling lump that rose into his throat,
He faltered not, but started to remove his overcoat.
Garment after garment, he removed with feverish haste,
And shortly he was stripped till he was naked to the waist.
Again he gazed below him where the water beckoned him
To hasten preparations to fulfil his mission grim.
He paused but for a moment, to his fears no doubt dismiss,
Then started on his headlong plunge into that black abyss.
Water flew in all directions, such was his dizzy pace,
And ere a minute had elapsed—he washed his hands and face.

Comments:  As you can see, my Dad had a puckish sense of humour!