Sunday, November 28, 2010

10. Commercial Three B

C  is for "cal" we get every week,
O  for obedience, for which teachers shriek,
M  for mistakes we make all the time,
M  for the methods we think are a crime,
E  for the errors we make when we type,
R  is our rate, which is never quite right,
C  for the callous we get from the seat,
I  for ideas not very discreet,
A  to abolish our shorthand distress,
L  for the lessons we get in excess.

T  for the trouble we have every day,
H  for our hair which is going so gray,
R  for the rules by which we abide,
E  for exams we take in our stride,
E  for excuses of which I have none,

B  for the best poem that I have done.

Comments:  Just before World War II, my future father met my future mother in the one-year course, Commercial Three B.  And, his hair was already going gray - at the ripe old age of 18.