Friday, December 9, 2011

16. Lines Written at the Request of BETTY

I long to feel you near me,
To caress your silken hair,
To slip my arm about your waist
And tell you that I care.

I yearn to take you in my arms
And crush you to my chest,
To feel the heavy rhythm
Of your palpitating breast.

I crave the heavenly nectar
Of your soul-destroying kiss,
To live though for a moment
In an ecstasy of bliss.

Alas, I am rejected
For you hold no answering flame,
With a chap like Jim so handy
You are not the one to blame.

Comments:  This poem was written during World War II.  The "Jim" of the poem was Jimmy Fishbourne, who later became my Father's "best man."  Betty was Jimmy's bride.

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